Looking beyond Harvard: The teaching evaluations landscape

Looking beyond Harvard: The teaching evaluations landscape

Presentation Date
Sep 20, 2017
Cambridge, MA

Video Online - For faculty, instructors, and academic professionals
How do other universities handle teaching evaluations? Join us for a guided tour of examples. The instruments in use can be blunt or overly complex. Practices include home-grown surveys, national instruments such as IDEA, focus groups, interviews, faculty self-evaluations, inter-faculty sharing, narrative analysis, and student-led crowd-sourcing. How do different organizations navigate the options? We will discuss current trends in assessment of teaching effectiveness and highlight ideas that may be transferable to Harvard.     

Kris Markman (facilitator), Director of Digital Learning and User Experience, Harvard Library, (CADM)
Allison Pingree (facilitator), Director of Professional Pedagogy, SLATE (HKS)
Anu Vedantham (facilitator), Director of Learning and Teaching Services for FAS Libraries and Interim Director of Science and Engineering Services, Harvard Library